Solomon S. Brickman MD

(281) 955-ACNE

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MicroLaserPeel (Arctic Peel)


What is the MicroLaserPeel (Arctic Peel)?
It is an intra-epidermal laser peel that precisely ablates the outermost layers of the skin. The procedure is individually tailored to the nature of the condition to be corrected.

Skin conditions such as: wrinkles, scars, acne scars, keratoses or pigmentary problems have been very successfully treated with a MicroLaserPeel.

Who should consider a MicroLaserPeel?
If you are looking for more than microdermabrasion or light chemical peels, and have little time for a prolonged healing process, then the MicroLaserPeel was designed for you.

How is the MicroLaserPeel different from Microdermabrasion?
Generally, microdermabrasion only removes the stratum corneum (10 microns).

The MicroLaserPeel is a partial- to-full epidermal peel (20-50 microns) and is performed with topical anesthetic. Because this procedure ablates deeper into the epidermis, it is the perfect step between microdermabrasion and full skin resurfacing.

How many MicroLaserPeels can be done?
Typically, the procedure is repeated 2-4 times, spaced 6-8 weeks apart, but many peels may be done to achieve the desired result.

What can you expect?
You will experience smoother, healthier, more vibrant skin, with a significant, immediate change in skin texture and tightness as compared to microdermabrasion.

How long is the healing process?
Healing takes 3-4 days. The procedure can be performed on a Thursday or Friday, so you can return to work the following Monday. Symptoms immediately following the procedure resemble a sunburn, with minor sloughing on the second day. Redness will begin to fade by the third day, and be easily covered by makeup on the fourth day.