What is eczema (atopic dermatitis)?
Atopic dermatitis, commonly referred to as eczema, is a chronic condition that leads to irritated, itchy, and flaky skin. Eczema is known for its discomfort; sometimes it becomes so disruptive that it has a negative effect on a person’s daily routine, sleep pattern, and overall well-being.
The severity of eczema differs from patient to patient. Therefore, the patient will require a personalized treatment and self-care regimen that will help reduce symptoms and minimize future flare-ups. Dr. Soloman Brickman and his eczema skin specialist staff in Houson, TX, at Houston Laser Skin Center uses a comprehensive approach that includes targeted treatments and lifestyle changes that will help patients manage their condition.
What causes eczema?
Roughly 1 in 10 Americans are affected by eczema. While the exact cause is unknown, certain physiological factors can cause symptoms in some patients. Known risk factors include hay fever, asthma, and family history.
Eczema commonly affects infants; however, most children will outgrow the condition after their toddler years. If you are a parent of an infant or toddler that is prone to eczema flare ups, it is important that irritable products, foods, and/or fabrics are avoided. Such items could potentially trigger outbreaks due to their delicate skin.
Patients of all ages can experience eczema flare-ups caused by excessive exposure to irritants such as soaps, perfumes, lotions, detergents, and animal dander. Upper respiratory infections, Fungal Infections, and in certain cases, food allergies, are known to contribute to eczema outbreaks.
Stress is also a known contributing factor to eczema outbreaks.
In general, if you or your child is dealing with eczema, you should avoid the aforementioned triggers. Choose soft fabrics over harder fabrics; use products that are formulated for sensitive skin; avoid harsh temperatures; and develop effective stress management techniques. In addition, refrain from scratching affected areas because it can make symptoms worse.
Currently, there is no cure for eczema; however, your local dermatologist such as Dr. Solomon Brickman of the Houston Laser Skin Center can help identify triggers and develop suitable treatment options.
If you are suffering from eczema, it is strongly recommended you set an appointment today for an examination and consultation of available treatments.
What are the symptoms of eczema?
Chances are you are probably wondering “How do I know if I have eczema?”
Eczema symptoms usually decrease in severity as you get older. However, common symptoms include:
- Red skin rashes
- Itchy skin
- Crusty patches
- Oozing blisters
- Dry, cracked skin that sometimes bleed
- Discolored skin
Eczema usually appears on:
- Hands
- Neck
- Ankles
- Elbow creases
- Knees
- Occasionally facial, especially around eyes, cheeks, and eyelids
Eczema requires a medical examination and consultation that includes a review of a patient’s medical history as well as their family’s. Skin allergy test may be conducted if it is discovered that a patient has specific sensitivities to an allergen.
What are the eczema treatment options?
Currently, there is no cure for eczema. However, there are several treatments available to relieve discomfort and restore the skin’s barrier function. Home remedies such as cold compresses and over-the-counter medications to address issues such as itching may be recommended. Other recommendations may include changing your bathing and laundry practices, including switching to skin sensitive products as mentioned above.
However, because eczema damages the skin, the skin becomes more susceptible to infections. Because of this, dermatologists such as Dr. Brickman will include treatments such as eczema rash treatment, eyelid dermatitis treatment and hand eczema treatment in Houston, TX.
- Antihistamines
- Topical corticosteroids
- Antibiotics if an infection is present
- Phototherapy
- Immunomodulators (such as cyclosporine)
- Dupixent injections (used for severe eczema that is unresponsive to other treatments)
Seeking a Houston dermatologist for eczema? Dr. Brickman can help
Dr. Solomon Brickman is one of the most experienced dermatologists in the Greater Houston area. A practicing dermatologist for over 40 years, Dr. Brickman has treated some of the most complex skin conditions facing Houston patients.
If you think that you may be dealing with eczema, Dr. Brickman can help. Please schedule an appointment at Houston Laser Skin Center today.
Looking for eczema skin specialist in Houson, TX? From eczema rash treatment, eyelid dermatitis treatment to hand eczema treatment, Houston Laser Skin Center addresses all your eczema skin conditions, ensuring your well-being.